Automated Satellite Workshop: Configuring and performing an OpenSCAP Scan

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In this exercise, we will learn how to configure and perform an OpenSCAP scan using playbooks in Ansible Automation Platform with Satellite.

When running multiple Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems, it’s important to keep all of these systems compliant with a meaningful security policy and performing security scans often. OpenSCAP is an open source project that defines the language used to express compliance checklists in human and machine readable form (XML). Government agencies, corporations, and e-commerce organizations, for example, provide their compliance checklists using OpenSCAP. The OpenSCAP project also develops tools for automated compliance checking. Red Hat Satellite is configured with OpenSCAP integration enabled by default. This installs OpenSCAP ansible modules, roles, and related tools. Satellite is also loaded with the SCAP security guide (SSG)(scap-seruity-guide.noarch). The SSG contains the checklist files for multiple standards, multiple operating systems and releases. These checklists allow for scanning systems to evaluate benchmarks such as CIS, PCI, HIPPA, Justice and DISA-STIG compliance.

The SCAP packages are available with every install of RHEL. You can also install the RPM package for the SCAP workbench (e.g. scap-workbench.x86_64) which provides the ability to load and examine the checklists in a user-friendly GUI. You can create a tailoring file for any of the included profiles that allows you to turn on or turn off specific checks to meet the your organization’s unique requirements. You can launch and test scans based on your profiles using the tool. Your tailoring files and the profile can be loaded into Satellite and assigned to groups of systems for custom scanning and reporting. Satellite produces reports to meet audit specifications.

This exercise will focus on standard profiles for PCI and DISA STIG for RHEL systems. Tailoring and other operating systems will be out of scope.

== Environment



1. Logging into Satellite

login screen


2. Creating a new compliance policy

Now we will start configuring a compliance policy that we can use to scan our RHEL nodes.



3. Configuring a new compliance policy

Now we will start configuring our Satellite server to be able to manage a compliance policy.

NOTE: There is an “Ansible” radio button selection, why aren’t we using that? Selecting the “Ansible” radio button here would utilize the Ansible engine built into Satellite to execute the automation for the scan. In this case, we are going to be utilizing Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) to automate the execution of the OpenSCAP client scan on the managed host, providing the means to expand the capabilities of the scan, as well as providing for the expanded automation capabilites provided by AAP.







4. Logging into the Ansible Automation Platform

login screen


5. Configure and launch an Ansible Automation Platform template to run an OpenSCAP scan.

This step will allow us to scan a single RHEL 7 host with the PCI_Compliance policy that we configured on Satellite.





6. Navigate back to Satellite to examine the Asset Reporting File (ARF).



NOTE: Firefox browser - Currently Firefox browsers are unable to display the Rule Overview filters.



7. Expanding OpenSCAP policy scans

This step will expand our OpenSCAP policy scan to add another XCCDF compliance profile called STIG_Compliance. We will also expand to include all systems in the ‘RHEL7 Development’ inventory by leaving the job run limit survey blank instead of specifying a single system.

NOTE: Remember, selecting the “Ansible” radio button here would utilize the Ansible engine built into Satellite to execute the automation for the scan. We are going to be utilizing Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) to automate the execution of the OpenSCAP client scan on the managed host, so selecting “Manual” for the scap policy provides a means to integrate AAP for the scan automation.









8. Navigate back to Satellite to examine the Asset Reporting File (ARF).


9. End of Exercise