Automated Satellite Workshop: Automating Patch Management exercise

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In this exercise, we will learn how to leverage the use of workflows in Ansible Automation Platform to orchestrate patch management for several linux servers . Automating patch management reduces human error and improves configuration and patch accuracy. Additionally, automation provides capabilities to reduce the manual input associated with identifying, testing and patching systems. Utilizing Ansible Automation Platform also provides capabilities for more complicated patching scenarios.




1. Logging into the Ansible Automation Platform

login screen


2. Creating a new Patching Workflow

Now we will start configuring a workflow that encompasses publishing a content view, promoting a content view, a fact scan, as well as a server patching. The goal is to publish a new content view and promote our RHEL7 Dev environment to QA.

workflow start

workflow inventory source

workflow inventory source

This step in the workflow adds your first job template which runs a playbook called ‘satellite_publish.yml’.

At this point your workflow should resemble the following:

workflow factscan

There are two more nodes to add to this workflow.

patch latest

Before we can finish the workflow we need to link ‘SERVER / Fact Scan’ to ‘OS / Patch OS to latest’ and coverage on success.

Your workflow should resemble the following:

workflow final

Save and exit the workflow template editor by clicking on “Save” on the top right.

3. Logging into Satellite

Satellite login

Satellite dashboard

4. Exploring the Satellite host configuration

Satellite content hosts

Satellite RHEL7 CV

5. Navigate back to Ansible Automation Platform and launch workflow job

AAP Workflow in progress

6. Navigate back to Satellite to examine automation effects

errata reduced

kernel patches excluded

7. End of Exercise