Workshop Exercise - Run Pre-conversion Analysis Jobs

Table of Contents



Step 1 - CentOS Conversion Automation Workflow

Red Hat provides the Convert2RHEL utility, a tool to convert RHEL-like systems to their RHEL counterparts. The Convert2RHEL documentation guides users on how to utilize the Convert2RHEL utility to manually convert a RHEL host. This is fine if there are only a few CentOS hosts to convert, but what if you are a large enterprise with tens, hundreds, or even thousands of CentOS hosts? The manual process does not scale. Using automation, the end-to-end process for converting a RHEL host is reduced to a matter of days and the total downtime required for the actual conversion is measured in hours or less.

Our CentOS conversion automation approach follows a workflow with three phases:

Three phase workflow: Analysis, Convert, Commit


The arrow pointing down at server icon indicates workflow steps that are automated by Ansible playbooks.


During the analysis phase, theoretically, no changes should be made to the system, other than the installation of the Convert2RHEL utility. However, to err on the side of caution, a first playbook is executed to create a snapshot that can be used for rolling back if any unforeseen issues corrupt the system. After the snapshot is created, the analysis playbook is executed, where the Convert2RHEL utility scans the host for issues or blockers that may prevent a successful conversion and then generates a report listing any potential risks found. The report also includes recommended actions that should be followed to reduce the likelihood of the reported issues impacting the conversion. If any recommended remediation actions are performed, the analysis workflow should be run again (snapshot/analyze) to verify the risks are resolved. This iteration continues until everyone reviewing the report is comfortable that any remaining findings are acceptable.


After the analysis phase is complete and the report indicates acceptable risk, a maintenance window can be scheduled and the conversion phase can begin. It is during this phase that the conversion playbooks are executed using a workflow job template. The first playbook creates a snapshot that can be used for rolling back if anything goes wrong with the conversion. After the snapshot is created, the second playbook utilizes the convert role from the infra.convert2rhel Ansible collection, where the automation is a convenience wrapper around the Convert2RHEL utility, to perform the operation where the CentOS host is converted to RHEL. The host should not be accessed via login or application access during the conversion, unless working through remediation development activities. When the conversion is finished, the host will reboot under the newly converted RHEL system. Now the ops and app teams can assess if the conversion was successful by verifying all application services are working as expected.


If there are any application impacts discovered that can’t be easily corrected within the scheduled maintenance window, the decision can be made to undo the conversion by rolling back the snapshot. This will revert all changes and return the host back to the previous CentOS state. However, if there are no issues found, the commit phase begins. During the commit phase, the host can be returned to normal operation while keeping the snapshot just in case any issues are uncovered later.

This is LVM specific: However, while the snapshots are kept, regular disk writes to volume groups will continue to consume the free space allocated to the snapshots. The amount of time this takes will depend on the amount of free space initially available and the volume of write i/o activity to the volume groups. Before the snapshot space is exhausted, the snapshots must be deleted and then there is no turning back.

Once comfortable with the converted host, the commit playbook should be executed to delete the snapshot. The CentOS conversion to RHEL is complete.

Let’s Get Started

The CentOS conversion automation approach workflow is designed to reduce the risks inherent in doing an in-place conversion versus deploying a new RHEL host. Decision points at the end of the analysis and conversion phases allow the process to be rolled back and restarted with the benefit of lessons learned through reporting checks and actual conversion results. Of course, the best practice for avoiding production impacts or outages is to proceed with conversions in properly configured Dev and Test environments before moving on to Production hosts.

Step 2 - Patch OS to latest package versions

One of the prerequisites for successful Convert2RHEL OS conversions is that the conversion must be performed with the latest packages from the minor version of the OS that is supported for the conversion. This is to ensure the rollback feature can be utilized in case the conversion fails.


While the Convert2RHEL rollback feature does work in a great many cases, Red Hat recommends that an additional means of backup external to the Convert2RHEL utility be implemented, with verification in advance of conversion operations that systems can be restored if needed.

Step 3 - Change Content Source for Content Host

Before we start the pre-conversion OS analysis, we need to change the Satellite content source for our CentOS content hosts. The system to be converted should be registered to a content view that provides access to package repositories for both the current version of installed operating system, as well as access to package repositories for the target version of RHEL that is being converted to. In addition, access to the Convert2RHEL related package repositories should be included.

If you would like to review the content view configuration that we will be utilizing as part of the conversion process, switch to the browser tab where you are logged in to Satellite.

Currently, our CentOS7 nodes are configured to utilize the CentOS7 content view, with associated CentOS7_Dev lifecycle environment for software packages. We will now change our CentOS7 nodes to instead consume the CentOS7_to_RHEL7 composite content view via the associated CentOS7_to_RHEL7_Dev lifecycle environment for access to the requisite software packages during the conversion process.

If you would like to verify the content host configuration has changed, switch to the browser tab where you are logged in to Satellite.

Step 4 - Use AAP to Launch an Analysis Playbook Job

As we progress through the workshop, we’ll refer back to this diagram to track where we are in our automation approach workflow. We are starting now in the highlighted block below:

Automation approach workflow diagram with analysis step highlighted

The first step in converting our three tier app hosts will be executing the analysis workflow to generate the Convert2RHEL pre-conversion analysis report for each host. To do this, we will use the Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) automation controller host that has been pre-configured in your workshop lab environment.

Step 5 - Review the Workflow Job Output

After launching the analysis workflow job, the AAP Web UI will navigate automatically to the workflow output page for the workflow you just started.

Analysis workflow job on AAP Web UI

Step 6 - Challenge Lab: Analysis Playbook

Let’s take a closer look at the playbook we just ran.


Try looking at the configuration details of the “Automated Management” project and the “CONVERT2RHEL / 01 Analysis” workflow template.

Can you find the upstream source repo and playbook code?


Solution below!

NOTE: We are utilizing a fork of the upstream infra.convert2rhel Ansible collection Because the upstream collection is a fast moving project, we utilize a fork where we can closely manage the state of the code base to ensure optimal stability for the lab/workshop/demo environment.

When you are ready to develop your own custom playbooks to run conversions for your enterprise, you should consider using roles from the infra.convert2rhel Ansible collection to make your job easier.


In this exercise, we learned about the end-to-end workflow used by our automation approach for doing RHEL-like OS conversions. We used a workflow template in AAP to submit a workflow job that cleared node yum cache, performed an LVM snapshop of each node, and then ran the Convert2RHEL pre-conversion analysis on our three tier application servers. In the challenge lab, we explored the analysis playbook that we ran and how it includes a role from an Ansible collection.

In the next exercise, we will review the analysis reports we just generated.


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