Workshop Exercise - Review Pre-conversion Reports

Table of Contents



Step 1 - Managing Convert2RHEL Pre-conversion Results

In the previous exercise, we used a workflow template with associated job templates and playbooks to analyze our CentOS7 app servers. Behind the scenes, the analysis module from the infra.convert2rhel Ansible collection launched a Convert2RHEL pre-conversion analysis on each of our CentOS 7 app servers and once complete, parsed the pre-conversion analysis report for any issues that would either block the conversion from initiating or potentially failing. If any problems were found, then the Ansible Automation Platform automation job would have reported a failure.

Step 2 - Navigating the CentOS Web Console

For this workshop, we will be using the CentOS Web Console to access the Convert2RHEL pre-conversion reports we generated.

Step 3 - Review Convert2RHEL Pre-conversion Report of CentOS 7 Host

We are now here in the automation approach workflow:

Automation approach workflow diagram with review report step highlighted

Now, let’s use the Web Console to review the Convert2RHEL pre-conversion reports. We will start by looking at one of the CentOS 7 hosts.

less /var/log/convert2rhel/convert2rhel-pre-conversion.txt

For example, the analysis output might look like this:

Example pre-conversion report of CentOS 7 host


The contents of your report may differ from the example above because of updates made to the Convert2RHEL utility and other RHEL packages released over time since this workshop was written. If you discover any differences that materially break the flow of the exercises in the workshop, kindly let us know by raising an issue here.

Challenge Lab: What if we were to experience warnings we are unsure of?

You may be wondering: what if there are many warning issues listed in the report, beyond those mentioned above? Why would we be going forward with attempting a conversion without first resolving all the findings on the report? It’s a fair question.


Think back to the three key features that we introduced at the beginning of the exercise.

Is there a specific feature that helps with reducing risk?


Solution below!

Of course, the answer is our automated snapshot/rollback capability.


In this exercise, we learned about the different options for managing Convert2RHEL pre-conversion analysis reports. We used the CentOS Web Console to look at the reports we generated in the previous exercise. In the challenge lab, we reviewed the importance of snapshots and learned to embrace any potential failures, embracing the concept of utilizing lessons learned from failed conversions as inputs to improved conversion remediations and automation.


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