Workshop Exercise - Run EL OS Conversion Jobs

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We are ready to start the conversion phase of our CentOS to RHEL automation journey:

Automation approach workflow diagram with conversion step highlighted

It is during this phase that the conversion playbooks are executed using a workflow job template. The first playbook clears yum cache in order to ensure that the maximum amount of space is available for the conversions process. The second playbook creates a snapshot that can be used for rolling back if anything goes wrong with the conversion. After the snapshot is created, the third playbook uses the Convert2RHEL utility to perform the conversion where the host is advanced to the new RHEL major version.

Step 1 - Launch the Conversion Workflow Job Template

We are about to start the CentOS conversion of our application servers. When the conversion is finished, the hosts will reboot under the newly converted RHEL major version.

Conversions typically take less than an hour, although they can run for longer if there are applications that shutdown slowly or with bare metal hosts that have a long reboot cycle. The cloud instances provisioned for our workshop lab environment will convert fairly quickly as they are very lightweight compared to traditional enterprise app servers.

One thing that’s needs to be taken care of first is to remove the snapshots that were taken prior to the analysis, as we will want to take fresh snapshots prior to launching the conversion workflow.

Step 2 - Learn More About Convert2RHEL

After launching the conversion job, the AAP Web UI will navigate automatically to the workflow job output page of the job we just started. This job will take up to 20 minutes to finish, so let’s take this time to learn a little more about how the Convert2RHEL utility converts your EL OS to the associated RHEL major version.


In this exercise, we launched a workflow job template to create snapshots and start the conversions of our CentOS app servers. We learned more about the Convert2RHEL utility to better understand what is happening as the CentOS systems are being converted.

In the next exercise, we’ll learn more about how snapshots work.


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