Workshop Exercise - Run Rollback Job

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In this exercise, we will demonstrate rolling back our three tier application servers, just as we would if the CentOS conversion had failed or if we had found the conversion caused unexpected impacts to the application.

We are now here in our exploration of the CentOS conversion workflow:

Automation approach workflow diagram with rollback playbook highlighted

After rolling back, the three tier application stack will be restored to as it was just before entering the conversion phase of the workflow.

Step 1 - Launch the Rollback Job Template

In this step, we will be rolling back the CentOS conversion for our entire three tier application server stack.


In this case, only one of our nodes has an issue. Depending on overall thoughts on how to best proceed, an argument could be made for just rolling back the PostgreSQL node, node6, and leave node4 and node5 as they are. However, in this case, we are going to demonstrate the ability to simultaneously roll back an entire application stack of systems at once.

Step 2 - Observe the Rollback Job Output

After launching the rollback workflow job, the AAP Web UI will navigate automatically to the workflow output visualizer page.

Rollback workflow job visualizer

Step 3 - Check the CentOS Version

Repeat the steps you followed with Exercise 2.3: Step 2, this time to verify that the CentOS version is reverted back.

We can see that the three tier application stack nodes are all reverted to CentOS7.


In this exercise, we used automation to quickly reverse the CentOS to RHEL conversion and restore the app server back to its original state.

In the next exercise, we’ll dig deeper to validate that all changes and impacts caused by the conversion are now undone.


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