Workshop Exercise - Review Pre-upgrade Reports

Table of Contents



Step 1 - Managing Leapp Pre-upgrade Results

In the previous exercise, we used a playbook job template to generate a Leapp pre-upgrade report on each of our three tier app servers. Now we need to review the findings listed in those reports. There are a number of different ways that we can access the reports. Let’s review these and consider the pros and cons:

Step 2 - Navigating the RHEL Web Console

For this workshop, we will be using the RHEL Web Console to access the Leapp pre-upgrade reports we generated.

Step 3 - Review Leapp Pre-upgrade Report of RHEL7 Host

Now let’s take a look at the report from one of our RHEL7 hosts.

Challenge Lab: What About Ignoring So Many High Findings?

You may be wondering why are we are mostly worrying about the inhibitor findings. What about all the other high risk findings showing up in red on the report? Red means danger! Why would we be going forward with attempting an upgrade without first resolving all the findings on the report? It’s a fair question.


Think back to the four key features that we introduced at the beginning of the workshop.

Is there a specific feature that helps with reducing risk?


Solution below!

Of course, the answer is our automated snapshot/rollback capability.


In this exercise, we learned about the different options for managing Leapp pre-upgrade reports. We used the RHEL Web Console to look at the reports we generated in the previous exercise and reviewed a number of the reported findings. In the challenge lab, we explored the importance of snapshots and learned to embrace failure.

In the next exercise, we are going to look at how to automate the remediation actions required to resolve our inhibitor findings.


Previous Exercise - Next Exercise
