Workshop Exercise - Perform Recommended Remediation

Table of Contents



Step 1 - Explore Options for Resolving Inhibitors

In the previous exercise, we reviewed the Leapp pre-upgrade reports that were generated for our RHEL7 three tier application servers. There were a couple inhibitors reported for the RHEL7 hosts. We must take action to resolve them before those hosts can be upgraded.

We are now here in our automation approach workflow:

Automation approach workflow diagram with apply recommended remediations step highlighted

Step 2 - Understanding the Leapp Answer File

The Leapp framework uses an answer file as a means of accepting user input choices. This is explained in greater detail in the Asking user questions section of the Leapp developer documentation. The inhibitor finding we dissected in the previous step is looking for us to make a decision or, more specifically, asking us to acknowledge we are aware that Leapp will disable the pam_pkcs11 PAM module during the RHEL upgrade.

Step 3 - Resolving Inhibitors Using a Remediation Playbook

OS remediation job


In this exercise, we looked at the different ways we can resolve inhibitor risk findings. We learned that we could potentially utilize the leapp_answerfile variable of the analysis role to manage the Leapp answer file. Finally, we employed a remediation playbook to demonstrate how we could address pre-upgrade inhibitor findings at scale across our RHEL estate.

Now we are ready to try upgrading our RHEL three tier app servers, but before we get to that, there are two more optional exercises in this section of the workshop:

These exercises are not required to successfully complete the workshop, but we recommend doing them if time allows. If you can’t wait and want skip ahead to upgrading your RHEL hosts, strap in for this exciting exercise:


Previous Exercise - Next Exercise
