Workshop Exercise - Check for successful upgrades

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In the previous exercises, we reviewed pre-upgrade reports and performed some recommended remediations. If you tried the optional exercise, you also learned about custom pre-upgrade checks. Subsequently, you launched an Ansible Automation Platform job template to automate the RHEL in-place upgrades on your RHEL three tier application servers.

It’s time to verify the result of the upgrade automation and assess if our three tier application stack is functioning properly. Our current state in regards to the RHEL in-place upgrade automation workflow is as follows:

Automation approach workflow diagram with app validation steps highlighted

Let’s get started!

Step 1 - Review the Upgrade Playbook Job Log

The first thing we want to do is see if the job running the upgrade playbooks has finished successfully.

Step 2 - Verify the Hosts are Upgraded to Next RHEL Version

Now, let’s verify that all three tier app servers are upgraded to the next RHEL version.


In this exercise, we observed that the upgrade playbook job completed successfully. We then used the RHEL Web Console and the command line to verify that the new major RHEL version upgrade was applied.

If you deployed the sample three tier application in the earlier optional exercise 1.2, continue in the following exercise to verify that the three tier application is still functioning as expected after the RHEL upgrades:

Otherwise, you may skip ahead to the next section of the workshop where we will demonstrate rolling back the RHEL upgrade, starting with these exercises:


Previous Exercise - Next Exercise
