Workshop Exercise - Simulate upgrade failure

Table of Contents

Optional Exercise

This is an optional exercise. It is not required to successfully complete the workshop, but it will help demonstrate the effectiveness of rolling back a RHEL upgrade. Review the objectives listed in the next section to decide if you want to do this exercise or if you would rather skip ahead to the next exercise:



Have you ever wanted to try doing rm -rf /* on a RHEL host just to see what happens? Or maybe you have accidentally done an equally destructive recursive command and already know the consequences. In this exercise, we are going to intentionally break one of the servers from our three tier application stack to demonstrate how rolling back can save the day.

Let’s get started!

Step 1 - Select a Three Tier Application Server

In the next exercise, we will be rolling back the RHEL upgrade on our three tier application stack.

Step 2 - Break your application


Congratulations, you have broken the application stack. Wasn’t that fun?

In the next exercise, you will correct the issue by rolling back the upgrade.


Previous Exercise - Next Exercise
