Workshop Exercise - Rinse and Repeat

Table of Contents



Congratulations! You have reached the end of the RHEL In-place Upgrade Automation exercises. You are now armed with the knowledge needed to start developing an automation solution to help your organization manage RHEL upgrades at scale.

Let’s review what we learned and think about what’s next.

Step 1 - What You Learned

With these exercises, you gained hands-on experience while learning about a prescriptive approach to automating RHEL in-place upgrades.

Step 2 - Activities for Extra Credit

Hopefully, these exercises have opened your eyes to what is possible, but we have just scratched the surface.

Step 3 - Look at the Code

All of the Ansible roles and playbooks used in this workshop are maintained in upstream repositories that can be found on GitHub. Take some time to review the code and get engaged with the communities supporting these resources.





Thank You!

If you enjoyed this workshop, please take a moment to give it a rating or write a review. If you have any ideas for improvements or new features, don’t hesitate to raise an issue here, reference the workshop name Ansible Workshop - Automated Satellite Workshop and tagging/mentioning @heatmiser within the issue. All ideas and feedback are welcome!


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