Getting Started with ServiceNow Automation

Explore the basic functionality of the ServiceNow collection for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.

This workshop is intended as an introductory course for using Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform in conjunction with an IT Service Management (ITSM) tool, specifically showcasing ServiceNow. The intended audience is someone who has limited or no exposure to writing Ansible Playbooks or using Ansible Automation Platform . This workshop will cover common scenarios and topics and is best suited for IT infrastructure engineers or IT managers looking to integrate their existing ITSM workflows into automated processes that can help them reduce their mean time to resolution (MTTR).

The ServiceNow integration for Ansible Automation Platform is made possible through a certified content collection called servicenow.itsm. This collection is made available on Automation Hub on The environment that is being created for you includes this collection in an execution environment that allows Ansible Automation Platform to execute tasks against a ServiceNow instance.

Presentation Deck

Lab Agenda (Estimate total time ⏱️ 90 minutes)

Learning Resources

This is an official Ansible Workshop

This workshop is maintained by the Red Hat Ansible Technical Marketing Team.
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